The Party at Coye's

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Missing In Action - Kidnapped

Missing.... One small snail decanter..... aproximately 2 1/2" tall, clear glass with metal head... small amount of 36 yr old perfume of the avon variety....

Last seen in the kitchen of Coye and subject of conversation at the time.
Suspected removal by one sister, Peg... she does have a history of taking this creation previously, having hidden it in her lingerie to prevent detection...

Snail has been known to travel to such exotic places as Okinawa, Guam & Korea and has vacationed in Arizona.... not bad for a wee little texican snail.

If located... please isolate immediately... Do NOT... REPEAT... Do NOT Open... contents may be volatile... consider contents harmful to life as we know it....

Immediately contact this blog and/or it's occupants.....

suspect in kidnapping.... Prefers not to be photographed.... Can be considered dangerous unless placated with white wine......... lots of white wine..........and is harmful only to self... Snail is probably not in danger unless dropped in battle.


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