The Party at Coye's

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

You'll be the Grandest Lady in the Easter Parade....

Hi Gang-

Before we get to the "Parade of Hats" thought I'd share this with you:

Mom is now a "Graduate" of Radiation Therapy at the Regional Center Treatment Center here. That means she has completed her scheduled series of radiation treatments... or that they're just tired of the parade of familymembers coming in and re-arranging the furniture and hogging all the magazines. (Could be that answering the phones was a step over the line?)

She is scheduled to go back and she Doc Studt on the 3rd to discuss the occasional pain in her side. (The occasional pain in her rear is currently typing this. Doc Studt says she's on her own for that.) Mom says the occasional pain is just that: occasional. It isn't much and it comes and goes and doesn't last long. Sometimes the meds knock it down, sometimes just resting does.

Now, what I do not have a picture of (and I am so sorry) is her arrival at the Center for her last treatment. She wore the pink bouffant wig. She wore it, along with her Relay for Life t-shirt, out of the car, and down every hall in the place. The reactions were "mixed", shall we say? Some folks just couldn't get the humor. Some folks just rolled. My favorite was the x-ray tech who met her at the door, smiled and said "Nice shirt."

Doc Studt wasn't there this week, so she plans on wearing it again next week to see him. Will try to get the picture then.

You'll be the Grandest Lady in the Easter Parade....

So, about that "Parade of Hats"-- Here's what we've got so far. You should be able to click on any of the photos below and have them open a larger version in a separate window.

Basic Black Granny

Minnie Pearl Granny

Rappin' Granny

Granny at the beach?

Merchant Marine Granny

Same Merchant Marine, but in pink (She's a lady, after all.)

"Insert your own caption here" Granny

Casual, Comfortable Granny

Roarin' 20's Granny

"Ma Barker" Granny (That's no lady... that's my Mama!)

OK, hit comment, cast your votes. Add your own captions, if you want. Of course, the only vote that counts is Mom's. (If Mama ain't happy....)


  • And to think... I ran off to play and it looks like all the fun was here, lol.

    I'm votin for the "casual, relaxed" granny look.

    The "rappin" granny look is fun but I'll bet she's too young for me and I wont be able to keep up.

    Most of the rest of em, specially the "insert your caption here" are looks I recall from my childhood and I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT. It's all her fault. They're lying, it wasn't me. SMACK.

    I love ya

    By Blogger The Party at Coye's, at 9:46 AM  

  • I like the Ma Barker Granny, now thats a Granny no one will dare mess with. Love Rachel

    By Blogger The Party at Coye's, at 1:03 PM  

  • Ok well it's me... and i think I have to say without Wade's's got to be the relaxed gram or the balck hat...But you have see gram is alreays relaxed. She takes every day with everything she has left and doesn't let anything get her down. At least not around everyon else. We love you gram.


    By Blogger The Party at Coye's, at 5:41 AM  

  • ok, here is my vote. Well sorta anyhow. I have to say I'm stuck between granny having fun with the rapping granny and the don't get in my way I'll do this my way look of ma barker. Although I don't know if our vote will really mean any thing after all; she does as she wants and how she wants.So Just keep wearing it as you want even if you do tilt a little to the side. Love you bunches, and keep on keepin' on.

    By Blogger The Party at Coye's, at 6:21 PM  

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