The Party at Coye's

Monday, July 10, 2006

and so it begins... "IT" you ask

It began on the 1st day of July....
the gathering that would become the undoing of us all.
They came by the carload from near and far........
Bringing little ones, two leggeds and 4 leggeds alike...
The ones here and now, and the ones yet to be... oh yes.. there will be MORE....

We begin with the gathering of the family... and the food... oh, yes... we must make mention of the food.....In all it's glory, we had the traditional all American BBQ brisket & potato salad..oh, man... that stuff went so fast I never got a chance to take a picture.. .. to be followed by the traditional Native American Fry Bread.... YUMMMMMMM

ssoooo ggoooooddddd

Not to be out done...... bubba and sis in law bring forth the lobster fest....
Now.. keep in mind that part of our task is to grant wishes of the queen....
and she would wish to find out how much lobster could she eat at one sitting... this is ours to provide.. well, theirs..... We took bets.... she ate 2 out of 10 and I won the bet... yes.. yes.. yes... oh, and we got the leftovers, lol....ok...
Have ya had enuf of food yet??? hehehe
groan.... time out.. need to take a walk.... be back for the next installment soon...
No More Food... PLEASE


  • Surely you jest. Some of us are in it just for the food. PS, I set the Lobster Fest as my background photo. Lovin it.


    By Blogger The Party at Coye's, at 8:54 PM  

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