The Party at Coye's

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Has it REALLY been a week?

Time sure flies fast when your having fun....
and fun has been the name of this game since it's inception.
Family has continued to come and go....
Along with a few special visitors.
we are each trying to keep working to pay our bills
and allow us time to play and enjoy the love and the
Powerful, Wonderful QUALITY time that has been gifted to us.
For that we are most grateful.
This is the time we bought with radiation..
time to share, love, create...
time to take care of necessary business...
yeah ma, ya gotta pay some of them bills....
Arrangements have been made...
Choices and opinions have been verbalized, discussed and agreed upon....
Hugs and Laughter shared in this most special time....
The weekend will be upon us momentarily.
The family will again gather to share the love and the blame...
yeah, "it wasnt me" will be in charge of the action as usual.
Brother Butch will be flying home yet again...
no, he didnt find his luggage but he has come up with some unusual ways of getting his own back, lol.... hhhmmm wonders if pacing the airport with a sign that says "they lost mine" counts for special bording privileges!!
His lovely daughter Heather will be joining us as well...
Seems one of them has a birthday... I not be tellin how OLD he is.. yet!
It promises to be another of those wild wonderful weekends...
Chargin up the camera batteries ( they lost their charge while I was workin this last weekend.. shucks, had to have somethin to keep me goin, lol).
Look out Mom... here we come again... better get yer rest while ye can... :)~
Softwinds Blessings to all

Monday, July 17, 2006

That Arizona Crowd

Forgive me please, for the lateness of this report.
I can only blame it on the never ending saga of Coye's party in action.
There is no end to the demands of her highness....
Or the Parties that go on around her.... as noted in the previous post.
Just for the record... tho Summer may have been the birthday princess for the weekend... she shared that honor with 3 others... and yes.. she did lead the way in Party Style... She is learnin from her Great Grandma daily, lol.

Happy Birthday to our July Babies.... Summer, Susie, Tom & Charlsa.
May all your dreams come true. May you dance.

ok.. now.. on to the story of this post.....

As we stated a few days ago.... our Queen awakened on the Wed after the 4th of July... her family scattered to points near and far.... and declared... "I want to go to Arizona... I wish to visit my Mother and my Friends"... Well, of course there was nothing else for it but to go... and go we did...

Sister Princess Peg, Head Lady in Waiting... honored us all with a ride in her spacious RV and we loaded up the Queen Mother and her underlings... a group of loving and caring ladies.......... Yes... this was a girls road trip...

With Kim... our professional driver in charge... Queen Mother in the co-pilot's seat to guide us on our way, the entourage proceeded to cruise the highways of Texas, New Mexico & Arizona....

A wonderful fun filled journey... (ask us in private and we'll tell you which eateries to avoid) ... that can only be experienced ensued.

We were greeted by a rowdy crowd of party go-ers who heard a rumor that we were on our way.... they prepared to wine and dine us all in honor of our lovely Queen Coye. They gathered.. they shared in kind... all was good. Thank you all for being such wonderful friends of our special lady.

This lovely gathering was followed by the true purpose of our journey... the visitation of Mother and Daughter..... We gathered up our elder Queen Mother and brought her forth by chariot fitting the occasion....

Bread was broken, Wine was poured, Pictures were taken and history was made. Yes... I said History was made..... We are honored to have 5 generations in this family.... and at this time can demonstrate evidence of the most unique family line of 5 ladies, each being the eldest child of their generation, each succeeding generation being the off spring of the previous... We have our Queen Mother, our Queen, Myself, My eldest daughter and Her eldest daughter captured for all time in digital living color.

After all the partying was done... our lovely Queen declared she was ready to go home.. and home we trekked on Sunday... a whirlwind trip of epic proportions completed... Yep.. you got it.. she slept all the way home. Well rested and ready to torment the rest of... "Don't know why you all are sooo tired" Go figure :)~

and to think... we followed that with a weekend of birthday parties... sheesh... PARTY ON.........

The Weekend of July 15

Our Little Summer Is Growing Up! Summer Got To Celabrate Her First Birthday With Her GreatGrandma Coye and The Crew, Who Would Want to Spend There First Birthday any other Way? I Know I Wouldnt!

Grandma Coye Thank you So Much For Everything We Will See You In ACouple Of Weeks, We Love You!
Arlie And Summer

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

And So They Came

At last report we discussed the food....
Lest you think that this is all we are about....
Perhaps we should talk of those who came to prepare and eat said food.....

And So They Came.......
Bringing their fancy cars.... yes, all of them....

and their critters....

even Diva... the reclusive cat came out to play.... silly cat hasn't been out of the house in 15 yrs and now she's decided to join the party.. will wonders never cease.

They brought their families, friends and neighbors.... from far and wide they came..... from Illinois, Colorado, Arizona, Montana, & Texas they came (never mind the folks from Washington state, Northern VA & Georgia that came before)...... ya know the folks from Texas probably had to drive as far as the farthest reaching... yeah, well, never mind...... Finger painting music.... and flowers were to be enjoyed by all ....

The gathering of family and friends..... the sharing of food and fun....
The Little Miracles we get every day.....
We Thank You for these things
Now and Forever.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Want to Post?

By the Way... for any who wish to post and cant figure out how.... just look to your right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and find the link over in the sidebar... Here you will find easy to follow instructions.... please... feel free to post comments appropriate to topic any time. Remember.. Mom reads this too and she would love to hear from you.

and so it begins... "IT" you ask

It began on the 1st day of July....
the gathering that would become the undoing of us all.
They came by the carload from near and far........
Bringing little ones, two leggeds and 4 leggeds alike...
The ones here and now, and the ones yet to be... oh yes.. there will be MORE....

We begin with the gathering of the family... and the food... oh, yes... we must make mention of the food.....In all it's glory, we had the traditional all American BBQ brisket & potato salad..oh, man... that stuff went so fast I never got a chance to take a picture.. .. to be followed by the traditional Native American Fry Bread.... YUMMMMMMM

ssoooo ggoooooddddd

Not to be out done...... bubba and sis in law bring forth the lobster fest....
Now.. keep in mind that part of our task is to grant wishes of the queen....
and she would wish to find out how much lobster could she eat at one sitting... this is ours to provide.. well, theirs..... We took bets.... she ate 2 out of 10 and I won the bet... yes.. yes.. yes... oh, and we got the leftovers, lol....ok...
Have ya had enuf of food yet??? hehehe
groan.... time out.. need to take a walk.... be back for the next installment soon...
No More Food... PLEASE

Hello Out There

This is just a brief note to let you all know that we have not forgotten you.

I had actually started a long post for the 4th of July and just as I completed it... previewed it... and clicked the wrong button and it was all gone... sheesh.

We followed that with a hot shot trip to Arizona... had to take Mom to see her Mom... Yes, the snail made the trip but has yet to be seen.... lots of hugs and kisses and shared joys have been had and this is a promise of multiple posts and lots of pictures coming in the next few days...

lest I be lost and confused, I shall begin with the 4th of July gathering of family and friends and continue forth until we manage to catch ourselves.. now aint that a scary thought... when's the last time you actually caught yourself?????

Until then.. be assured that all is well....
we continue on this journey of many small blessings


Friday, July 07, 2006

The "Tale of the S'Bling Snail"

Got a Snail of Tale to tell you Friends

A tale of a snail or two....

Back around the beginning of recorded time, or at least some 36 years ago, there came about the exchange of a glass and metal snail. Small in stature, cheap, er.. INEXPENSIVE in value and odor, its actual origins and ownership seem to be the topics of some dispute.

What is beyond debate is the mythic stature that this simple snail has risen to.

While the actual material value of the snail is indeterminate, it's perceived value has risen with each daring adventure and escapade. (Not to mention the bragging rights...)

Therefore, my friends, allow me to relate to you a brief portion of the perhaps only slightly exaggerated

“Tale of the S' Bling Snail”--

At the time of this writing, legend would have us believe that the body of the snail might perhaps have been formed of priceless crystal, handcrafted by the finest S' Karvian Crystal artisans from the great houses of Europe; The golden head perhaps was poured and molded from the very last ounce of gold to be removed from the rare Bahumbian gold mine in the most remote rain forests of Guatamala. (Where it is often referred to by the historians there as the fabled “Bahum Bug”. Captured within it's faceted body must be 'naught but the very (albeit odorous) elixir of life, itself.

It is widely agreed that the snail was first purchased from an agent of the A 'Von realm. However, who the purchaser was, or which sister first owned this family heirloom, and whether or not it was ever presented as an actual gift to either party is hotly debated. What is not in debate is the fierce battle of wits and persistence that has resulted from its existence within the family. (Persistence; In other families that is spelled S-T-U-B-B-O-R-N.)

Again, who first purloined (stole is such an ugly word) the item, and from whom is not clearly agreed upon by those involved, suffice it to say that someone, either my mother, hereinafter referred to as “Our Beloved Queen”, for whom I am happy to be counted among her minions; or my Aunt Peg, hereinafter referred to as “Princess Peg” managed to “acquire” the precious snail one from the other party in this dispute.

Each time the possessor of the snail has only managed to acquire temporary custody of the jewel, as the “dis-possessed” individual has then resorted to much cunning and guile, nay, shall we say downright sneakiness, in her efforts to find and re-acquire the little slug.

The countless thousands of locations where the snail has been hidden, on persons and in treasure chests across the world are, perhaps, a story for another time. Let us just say that government agencies, both foreign and domestic, have been involved; family members have been sworn to blood secrecies; cereal boxes defiled.

The snail has changed hands numerous times. Some unfortunate times may even have involved physical compromise. It is worth noting that in none of these instances has the snail suffered so much as a crack or even the smallest of chips. Hey, those S'Kar's know a thing or two about making crystal.

Other times the acquisition has taken place with such cunning and stealth that the offended party was left sitting snail-less in the morning sunlight, wondering “Just where DID that little S'Kar Go?”

For this writing allow me to relate but two examples of snail discovery and escape:

Decades ago the snail was in the possession of Our Beloved Queen when she traveled to the Land of Spuds to visit her parents. The Princess Peg was visiting as well, stopping en route to one of the far Asian Islands. (Sounds like a salad dressing, doesn't it? Is anybody else hungry?)

Through an act of untold sneakiness Princess Peg managed to discover and obtain the snail. Secreting it upon her person she told no one of her accomplishment. (As a side note, it must here be noted that the snail seems to have spent an unusual amount of time in Princess Peg's undergarments; A tale that is also perhaps best left for another time... when the children are asleep.... and much wine has been poured.)

Princess Peg kept her secret until she was standing safely separated from the rest of her family, protected by the flight departure fencing, on her way to board her airplane. She then turned, produced the snail from it's hiding place in her bosom where it had been securely kept for several days (see what I mean). Turning she waved the snail victoriously and then dashed for her waiting plane, spiriting the little slug away across the wide ocean.

Another time Princess Peg had traveled with their parents to the home of Our Beloved Queen, on the edge of the desert lands in the Republic of Texas. Through another act of untold sneakiness, or perhaps just sheer determined digging, Princess Peg managed to acquire the prize, again hiding it away on her person (not her bosom this time, but still in her undergarments... figure it out for yourself).

Our beloved Queen appeared unaware of this dastardly accomplishment. As her family pulled away in their carriage she stood, standing quiet in her robes. Princess Peg, squirming and struggling, freed the snail from it's hiding place to show off her success.

Unbenownst to Princess Peg, Our Beloved Queen had acquired another, decoy, snail. As Princess Peg waved the decoy snail out the window at her sister, celebrating her new triumph, Our Beloved Queen slid her hand into the pocket of her robe, and removed it, to hold high for all to see, the true, genuine jewel of their shared quest. Their father, a wise and compassionate King in his own right, refused all pleas and demands to “stop this damn car” and continued on toward his destination.

This brings us, thus, to the most recent episode in this slimy saga.

Over this Independence Day holiday, with much of the family in residence, including Princess Peg, Our Beloved Queen's minions took it upon themselves to search the house and surrounding grounds several times daily, in an effort to discover and recover the snail for their benevolent queen. As it turns out, youngest son Kelly scored the success, finding the snail in a shirt pocket in the queen's closet, an area that had been searched unsuccessfully previously. (That's right Peg. If you hadn't gotten nervous and moved it, we probably never would have found it!)

It can be seen here,
nestled in Our Beloved Queen's hair.

This picture was placed as the default background upon Princess Peg's computer, for her to find the next time she turned on the device.

It is said that Seismologists in far Colorado were deeply troubled by the unexpected earth tremors they were feeling, at least until their machine readouts began to actually spell out the stream of four letter words roaring from Princess Peg that afternoon.

So where is the “S'Bling Snail” now? Alas, I am but a humble scribe and know not. But rest assured:

The quest is begun yet again....

Monday, July 03, 2006

My friend

I just got off the phone with my friend, Coye and I couldn't tell that radiation has done anything to her brain, we've both always been goofy. I support your decision and will remember that it is your decision and no one else's. I can't wait to come to the party! See you soon. Carole

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Missing In Action - Kidnapped

Missing.... One small snail decanter..... aproximately 2 1/2" tall, clear glass with metal head... small amount of 36 yr old perfume of the avon variety....

Last seen in the kitchen of Coye and subject of conversation at the time.
Suspected removal by one sister, Peg... she does have a history of taking this creation previously, having hidden it in her lingerie to prevent detection...

Snail has been known to travel to such exotic places as Okinawa, Guam & Korea and has vacationed in Arizona.... not bad for a wee little texican snail.

If located... please isolate immediately... Do NOT... REPEAT... Do NOT Open... contents may be volatile... consider contents harmful to life as we know it....

Immediately contact this blog and/or it's occupants.....

suspect in kidnapping.... Prefers not to be photographed.... Can be considered dangerous unless placated with white wine......... lots of white wine..........and is harmful only to self... Snail is probably not in danger unless dropped in battle.