The Party at Coye's

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Gathering Again

The house is full of family again. Tom has arrived from Georgia with his lovely bride. Charlsa flew in from Virginia. Kelly drove over from Dallas and Margie Gaie from her home alolng with Arlie and Summer. The local family will be joining us off and on over the weekend. All of our travellers are weary but well.

Mom is having loads of fun.... we are really trying to keep a short leash on her, but geezz... she does not co operate well.

Looking forward to posts and pics so long as we can keep the web up and running. Between blog spot maintenance and dsl failure, we are chasing ourselves around a bit.

So funny, yesterday... after much time on phone with tech support and Butch doing the "lets see where it's not going" routine... they finally put up a memo that said "dsl in 'san angelo,tx' is having issues. we are working on it"... duh

Onward and upward...
luv to all


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