The Party at Coye's

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Lotsa HI'S from Ketchum Idaho.....

I know I have NEVER been to Texas!!! I think you have found a way to get me there....!!! You really didn't need to go to all of this trouble....all you needed to do is ask.... :>) (yeah, now I tell you, what's up with that?)

My thoughts and prayers are with you ....I know God's angels are around you giving you strength and assurance.

Your kids and family are so awesome. You have truly been BLESSED!

I tried to call your cell yesterday 6/5/06 and left a message for you....Know that if you need anything from the land of snow, elk, deer and bear....I am here....I would do anything for you....

Hugs and kisses and prayers for you Coye Jo!!

I LOVE YOU, GOD BLESS and comfort you with HIS warm hugs.....

at one time Brandt, then Poe, now Brandt again....Yikes....


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