The Party at Coye's

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday -- a day of rest and family

The phone's ringin' off the hook. Messages flying back and forth across cyberspace. Laughs, gossips and some fun finger-pointing (with a variety of choice of fingers) flashing across the table.

It's a day of family.

Thanks to all for the love, kind words, and prayers.

Here's a couple of quick photos:
Kelly & Rachel -- our hosts.

Mark & The Land Barge -- Mom's chariot for the trip home.

Keegan in Jail-- "Spring me Granny!! Spring me!!!"

Arlie, Brandon, Coye, & "Princess" Summer

Mark + Beer + Mower= Well, not what you'd guess, actually. Not a paramedic in sight.

Mark insisted on mowing the yard. Said "We don't have this in Arizona (North Mexico, just across the river).

Other notes:

We've received a lot of e-mail, on a number of different accounts. Mom hasn't checked her e-mail yet. We'll be setting her up with access when we get her settled in San Angelo.

More later!!//Butch


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